GPL version of popular ExtJS framework. For some reason it is hard to get download link from the ws - tremez/extjs-gpl

Jul 13, 2012 · Use case: Store with buffered: true and autoLoad: true A grid using that store, with loadMask: true The store is loading data from remote server and there are enough rows for at least 2 pages. Ext 4.1.1 GPL Chrome 20, Firefox 13.0 on Win64 The problem: Every few times when the grid is showing up and store is loading, the grid locks up with a May 19, 2011 · A buffered rendered grid with a filtering UI is included which applies a remote filter and reloads the grid beginning at page one. The code is not minified, see filtered-buffered-store.js - Browse Forums Extjs create form items with json store. json,extjs,extjs4,extjs-mvc. Within your view you'll need to create a function that matches the form.reconfigure(store, call you are making in your controller. And in that function you can call the form's add function to add items to the form. I can tell you from my own recent experience that if you don’t use the Sencha ExtJS Store load method properly, nothing will happen. After torturing myself twice by mishandling the load method, I thought maybe it would help if I wrote a quick blog post about how to properly use the load method. Jul 27, 2013 · But when removing the filter I sometimes get the error: Runtime-fout JavaScript: getById called for ID that is not present in local cache Sometimes means: when setting the filter, selecting a record by clicking on it and then removing the filter. When no record is selected, the filter is removed correctly. Version 2.0.0 for Ext 5.x – 11. September 2014. While version 1 of MultiSearch plugin worked in Ext 5, it was actually ported version designed and written for Ext 4. That limited full leverage of new MVVM architecture that allows configuration without initComponent. Version 2 has been designed from the ground up with Ext 5 in mind. Jul 08, 2015 · ExtJS store is one of ExtJS No.1 features. Data loaded with store can be grouped, sorted, filtered and much more.. now we can imagine ExtJS grids and features like sorting, filtering etc. In most cases we bind a store to a component like ExtJS grid or combobox for example and the component will be populated with store data.

May 19, 2011 · A buffered rendered grid with a filtering UI is included which applies a remote filter and reloads the grid beginning at page one. The code is not minified, see filtered-buffered-store.js - Browse Forums

But the main thing is that you are mixing client-side filtering, server-side filtering, and a buffered store. Client-side filtering can only filter what's in the store at that time, so in a buffered store, you are not performing a search over all records. You would have to look into what ExtJS calls "remote filtering".

Dec 10, 2015 · Take into account that this sample grid uses remote store (but this will also work with local once). As you can see on lines from 27-29, default filter value has been set to display both statuses ‘online’ and ‘offline’ but you can set either value separately.

EXTJS Dataview selection wont display I'm trying to build a dataview to display some pictures. These pictures I want to select (should be highlighted) and then interact with them (delete e.g.) xtype: 'dataview', id:'fotodataview', scrollable: true, inline: true, mode: 'MULTI', cls:'dataview-inline', itemTpl: ' {name}{date}', EXTJS-12633 Reconfigure on metachange fails on buffered store; EXTJS-12779 Property grid duplicates fields during editing; EXTJS-12829 Grid filter example does not load data (Failed on Android) EXTJS-12842 Grid row drag/drop using mouse does not work on Windows8/IE10+ when a touch-screen is present On a decent computer with decent Internet connection this will smoke the traditional buffered grid, which ajax back on every scroll. First, we'll modify our store and add a messageProperty attribute to the proxie's reader. This will let us encode some data in JSON on the server and pass anything we want, along with our search results. 2.addAllSelectedPersons / removeAllSelectedPersons does not work properly: there are a lot of fake select/deselect events again (I need to "filter" this events, because for add/remove All I have a special DBcall) and also only buffered records has proper selection, after moving to other page records are without selection.